Monday, June 06, 2005


Just to name a few...

Have you ever tried to understand Death?

What would happen if we found out, somehow, what happens after death?

How would it change our outlook on Life?

For example let us say that there is a life after death, and that this world is only a "corridor" to the next.
How would that impact our lives?

Suddenly, there is a different meaning to our existence.

Should we view this world as an opportunity for reward in the next world? Perhaps, we can now see this world as more meaningful. We now have a purpose to work for in this world.

Or perhaps should we just abuse this knowledge by having a really fun time?

Truth is any person who takes life seriously enough as not to have a fun time, doesn't need an afterlife to convince them to use their time wisely.

Anyway, obviously, to believe this, we must also believe in a creator who aside from creating this world and the next, has also created a reward and punishment system.

If there is a next world, that is...

Not to sound cynical or anything. No offence to persons that believe in an afterlife.
Only, one can never be sure in this age of confusion. I am only theorizing.

If there isn't, well...that may leave some people hanging on to something somewhere very deperately.

Yet, there are people who do believe that this world is it. There is nothing after this.

No kitty or puppy heaven either. Damn. (Can't say that either.)

They must believe that this heaven thing is all a front just to keep believers obedient and sane.
They don't need such nonsense, they just get on with every day life and stop wasting time on this religion stuff.

So perhaps we could say that because for atheists there is nothing after death, their lives become in-fact more meaningful. They now realise their time is running out for their lives to be of any worth.

So to sum up this ingenious piece of work; Since G-d must have created this world, (see that ink spill book theory), and therefore there is an afterlife of course, (otherwise G-d would be quite limited and not be a G-d), this world now becomes less meaningful, (as opposed to people who sincerely believe that everything ends when they die).

This also makes me wonder why we can't label atheism a doctrinated religion?
At least 10 other comments needed to move on.
made alot of sense untill the ink spill stuff. That deduction is not logical (as you are well aware) in the same sense as scientific logic, and therefore proves nothing. Its a similar logic to law (and gemorah)where the logic flows to prove a possibility I suppose. As nobody has come back to tell me what's going on (not that I would believe somone who said they were back from the dead) I think its pretty impossible to theorise on what will/might/should/wont happen. With an infinate number of possibilities awaiting us upon death, we are probably just as likely to morph into a green goblin residing in the left nostril of a greek god as we are of going to some fairyland where we sit and be merry for eternity. Just my two cents.
forgot to mention that you should go to for some fun if you havent already. Lots of great blogs.
What is wrong with the ink spill parable?
Have I got something wrong?

Seems legit to me.

Please explayn?

I will be waiting patiently for your reply. Jag.

See if you remember that one.

The ink spill parable doesnt really compare to life the universe and everything because according the scientific theories on the matter it wasnt quite one single random act that made everything perfect. A better analogy is having an infinite number of monkeys on typewriters with one produceing Shakespear's Hamlet

a great post frusk fury!
Indeed an athesist may have a more 'full' life - they might realise that this life is their only chance to do whatever they want, but without the word 'meaning' as a prefix for 'full' - their life is just as likely to be full of it!
('it' could be further understood by adding the prefix 'sh')
which, in my opinion is what an atheist's life is full of.
Meaning is overated. It seems that all the great religions have the key to this meaning thing, though I tend to think its more of a marketing ploy on their part - 'Hey join our religion, go to heaven, and if you join in the next 10 minutes we'll give you free MEANING, hows that for an offer?'

From my experience we are always told that we need religion to have meaning, to the extent that we may actually believe it. What if you've got the wrong religion? Is life still meaningfull?

What's wrong with finding meaning without religion? Whether its raising good children, or helping others, at least then you can be certain that your efforts arent to waste, whereas devoting yourself to religion....well you could be on the wrong boat...

I am getting confused with the L business.
LE or L?

I think I may have mixed Levi with Eli. Oh well.

L, did you read that Prager article? I was only theorizing that he may be wrong.
It seems like you agree, in a different way.
But, he makes sense.

The word "Meaningful", may have several meanings.

Everything means something.

Ultimate Purpose = Meaningful
Fulfillment = Meaningful
Happiness = Meaningful
Continuity = Meaningful.

Have I got that right?
Can a Maskil be Modern?

Yeh, I guess so.

before your life becomes a tired, hectic, chaotic but amazing life (next week) check out father bob's blog. he does a show with john shafran on sunday nights. he was initially part of john's v's g-d episodes when safran went to be a chior boy. he is reasonable, intellegent, open-minded and nice.
Why must you place such rigid definitions on an infinite G-d and deduce that an afterlife is imperative? It isn't. This could have been the be all and end all.
But nevertheless, it's not.
Like it or not.

This may not have sounded scientific, but it doesn't matter. It's better!
Getting me worried LE...
Maybe I am too tired.

We have 10, we can move on.
Thanks Guys.

Sign out.
I hope no-one is offended by the new blog title.

If anyone noticed.
brilliant dovoise!
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