Saturday, June 11, 2005


A brief intermission...and a sneak preview

Sensless hate, useless fight,
Nobody knows, wrong from right.

I don't know, but I've been told,
That this started, from the days of old.

The body count's up, the children are dead.
Going to school, and going to bed.

Who's to blame? And what can be done?
When noone is willing, to put down their #%@*ing guns!

All I see lies within ME
But now I see so clearly, Innocent Guilt, Innocent Guilt.
Do all eyes see what I can see?
It seems to me that there seems to be, Innocent Guilt, Innocent Guilt.


Monday, June 06, 2005


Just to name a few...

Have you ever tried to understand Death?

What would happen if we found out, somehow, what happens after death?

How would it change our outlook on Life?

For example let us say that there is a life after death, and that this world is only a "corridor" to the next.
How would that impact our lives?

Suddenly, there is a different meaning to our existence.

Should we view this world as an opportunity for reward in the next world? Perhaps, we can now see this world as more meaningful. We now have a purpose to work for in this world.

Or perhaps should we just abuse this knowledge by having a really fun time?

Truth is any person who takes life seriously enough as not to have a fun time, doesn't need an afterlife to convince them to use their time wisely.

Anyway, obviously, to believe this, we must also believe in a creator who aside from creating this world and the next, has also created a reward and punishment system.

If there is a next world, that is...

Not to sound cynical or anything. No offence to persons that believe in an afterlife.
Only, one can never be sure in this age of confusion. I am only theorizing.

If there isn't, well...that may leave some people hanging on to something somewhere very deperately.

Yet, there are people who do believe that this world is it. There is nothing after this.

No kitty or puppy heaven either. Damn. (Can't say that either.)

They must believe that this heaven thing is all a front just to keep believers obedient and sane.
They don't need such nonsense, they just get on with every day life and stop wasting time on this religion stuff.

So perhaps we could say that because for atheists there is nothing after death, their lives become in-fact more meaningful. They now realise their time is running out for their lives to be of any worth.

So to sum up this ingenious piece of work; Since G-d must have created this world, (see that ink spill book theory), and therefore there is an afterlife of course, (otherwise G-d would be quite limited and not be a G-d), this world now becomes less meaningful, (as opposed to people who sincerely believe that everything ends when they die).

This also makes me wonder why we can't label atheism a doctrinated religion?

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