Tuesday, May 24, 2005


While you wait....


This is very unexpected...don't get used to it.

Here is a very interesting article by Dennis Prager:


I thought you may be interested.

This seemingly goes against my principles. But I have no other place to put it.

The Frusk is thinking, very tired. Meanwhile read.
Nice article, especially the first point.

On the second point:
" Theoretically, one can posit the existence of the G-d of Judeo-Christian religions without actually believing in any of those religions or in any of their holy works. There is, however, some absurdity in believing in the G-d made known through texts whose authenticity one rejects"

Can't one acertain a belief in G-d similar to one of the texts - but believe that the texts are not G-dly - i.e. these religions came to a similar conclusion themselves, and promoted it through their texts. In other words, you believe in a G-d similar to the Judeo-Christian one, but only because logic demands it. And also believe that G-d is good etc, and there is meaning to life.

In any case, speaking of religion...with regards to a blues football club, I guess you should move to St Louis.. http://www.bluesfooty.com/ .. or have I insulted your intelligence again?

Consider yourself frusked

Why is it against your principles
I write my own stuff.

This is not meant to be a blog for gathering material or getting attention.

From the heart to the heart.
I must confess to being frusked...

I feel extremely dejected.

None-the-less, The Brooklyn Blues are a metro team, that join the NY magpies for national games.

More research will be done.

Just to end off...

If G-d hadn't created Man, Man would have created G-d.

(And according to some, Man did create G-d.)

Today, I am trying out agnosticism. Being meaningful all the time can be annoying. Time to party.

Shkank the Frusk
Dennis Prager is a big 'yeish' and can be apikorsish, but i generally agree with what he has to say. good article.
don't be so frusked, you're doing OK.
Your mudder what bored you.

This is embarrasing...
Well...thanks for the input.

What an array of visitors.

Gotta be careful what I write.

Hope Mum listened to some music, and checked out the Brooklyn Blues Brothers...

Sign off.
What is the difference between finding meaning in your occupation from a logical deduction, and determining logically that there is a creator, and hence meaning, in your life?

It's the same logic.
Like your updated links on your page. Here is another frusk video from the reva lesheva concert - short clip, avi format. may take some time to load coz of slow server:


so lishen my friend.
why did the wog die?
coz he was fully sick!
what you call a greek falling out of a plane?

freda making the array more interesting
Mate, I am not the clown in the big floppy shoes with the big red nose!!
what you call a greek casting a spell on someone?


This one
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