Wednesday, May 11, 2005


What's next?

So Life Sucks.
You are a loser.

Or Life is working out for you.
Let's see, you have a steady job, a loving wife and family, a large house, a solid future. Well done.

Honestly, well done.

But are you happy?

Why on earth, would you say no?

Can someone tell me, why is it that fortunate people, who have almost all they want, (forget about need), can still be extremely unhappy?

I am waiting...

Could it be that money does not lead to happiness? Duh, that's become a given.
Even though, in some US survey, 95% of the people who said they were not content with what life had given them, contributed their misery to not having enough money.

Or could it be that even love, doesn't satisfy? Apparently.
Most of todays generation don't even give love a chance. With the current divorce rate in the US being 67% for first timers. Second timers give it up even more often at 85%.

So what will make us happy? Religion?
That has killed more people than the Bubonic Plague.
(Could play it safe, and say Ebola or even AIDS, but what the hey!)
Most people will tell you that they don't believe in a God or 2 or 3.
And yet currently, there are more than 147 major religions in the US. People are still yet to work out that religion thing.

So it seems the only happy people are single, poor agnostics.

Oh, and the Mormons.
That may quite possibly sound incredibly stupid...

We in Frusk, don't tend to linger on thoughts for too long.

Thanks for coming.
Mate, you do not have the right to shay shmarter thingsh than i do.
well done though.... did you copy that?
Nope, from my heart and soul.
It doesn't mean much unfortunately.
yeah, i like your writings,
even if there is a little bs sometimes
there is definitely some good stuff there
writing is very healthy

do you think, before internet, people just randomly mailed around excerpts from their diaries?
what is it about the web?

is it possible that 'guido' is actually the real guido?
Ah, we have a new member!!


"frusk says, while virtually putting a wreath of orchids around boozes cyber neck"


Yes, yes, totally, dude.
I dig you.
Ah, there is no officalbozfanclub

"Where is happiness" asked the student.
"Go out and search," replied the teacher. "When you have found the happy person, please bring me his/her shirt."
And so the search begun.
"Are you truly happy?" he asked the richest man in the world. "Nah," he finally admitted, "i could do with some more dough."
"Are you truly happy?" he asked the wisest man in the world. "Nah," he finally admitted, "I still feel so ignorant at times."
"Are you truly happy?" he asked the most beautiful woman in the world. "Nah," she finally admitted, "too many bad hair days!"
Finally, the student hears someone singing in the distance. He climbs the hill to find a lonely pauper, with nothing to his name, singing and dancing in the wind. "Are you truly happy?" he asks him. "Yes", my holy friend, "i am totally happy" he responds. Excitedly, the student remembers to ask him for his shirt, when suddenly he notices, alas, the man doesn't even own a shirt!
But if only!

Find me a Reb Zushe today in a new world, where money has become a necessity.
I guess "pauper" today has a new meaning.

Happiness comes from within, only.

Life is what you want out of it.
There is no way around it.
No quick fixes.
We're stuck.
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