Wednesday, May 04, 2005


To Infinity and...

If you know Tsvi Victor Saks, then you know that he is a mathematician who specialises in Topology.
Tsvi lives in Pittsburgh, and I have just recently heard some interesting things from him.

Topology, is the study of abstract infinite space.


Not many people do this for a living. In fact if you will ask Tsvi if there is any practical use for what he does, like everyone asks mathematicians, he will say no, (unlike all mathematicians).

So, he has however managed to accomplish an extreme amount of extremely important things.

The most important in my mind, considering I don't really know any other, is that he has used Infinite Mathematics as a tool to connect the finite world with Infinite G-d.

In fact he says, that Infinite Mathematics is THE connection between finite and infinite in this world. I agree that it can be used as a model to view the relationship between a limit or end in infinity and its infinite predecessors. But that is obviously not where it stops.

Anyway, according to Tsvi, the only real practical application of abstract infinite space, is to understand how G-d created this physical universe.

Which is definately practical.

To me, all this is weird. Because if I define creation in mathematical terms and can now understand existance in a terminology, there is no more fun left.

No more philosophy. Especially when I can't really argue against the formulas for abstract infinite space.

Ok. that will do for now.

I am tired.

Mmmmm, i've fortunately found out about this entertaining site.

So choose a number between 1 - 10

Now times it by nine

Now add the two digits together

Subtract 5

Work out the parallel of your number in the alphabet

What's a country starting with that number?

What's an animal beginning with the last letter of that country?

What's a colour starting with the last letter of that animal?

Um, is it an orange Kangaroo from Denmark?

Regards from the Fiish
Mate thish ish absholute bullshit mate. Thish guy is a dickhead.
I learnt maths in grade 1 and all you need to know is 1+1=2. That ish finite. That makesh shense. All your bullshit philosophising about infinite maths does not make sense.
Do not think in your dickhead, small-minded brain that equations with letters and powers and shquare root shymbols is math. It is for smart dickheads who can't get a shquare root!
Let us shtop pretending to philosophise and be shmart, and shtart actually pondering our existence in finite terms.
Guido has spoken.
Hey LE,

Like it.
Lishen El Padre Guido,

Mate,the stars beckon, they glitter, mate.

What can you tell us that will be of any use?

Mate, i see all your poofy comments, and i wonder.

Mate, I wonder if you are a poof, mate.

You have obviously got alot to shay.

But I dont see a Guido poof Blog!

Is it a possibilty that you are afraid of directing the common man to a life altering shtate, mate?

Where he will finally understand the dimension of the Greek Demigod?

Bring it on!!

Mate the shtars beckon for you.

Mate, the conshtalations point!!

Now piss off!! (In full Monty Python appreciation.)


or perhaps


Then again, I did actually end up with the kangaroo and orange.
Thought to ponder, though: If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you...

Bela Bachi
Hey, whats happening Bachi?

Haven't heard from you for along time.
I also got the Denmark Kangaroo Orange combo. Was greatly impressed.
But, I can be done with almost anything, I reckon.

Take care.
Why can't I work out who the fiish is?
look at his name...(le) that should give some clue
Still don't get it
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