Friday, April 08, 2005



Time for some acknowledgement for The Bachi, on being the first to post his opinion. Respek.
The Settler also gets a commendation on his sudden appearance. Its been a while, Settler Machine.
And, we really appreciated the song from accross the world. That was some performance.
You never know, you might get the audience up in arms next time. Gotta supply the EmSixteens though.
Hey, I just found the name of my next band*, The EmSixteen's. That was just copyrighted. We don't want any Malaysians stealing this idea.
How dare them, there is only one Frusk.
And the bloody Japs, stupid Pokemon. Get your own monsters! You'd think that after decades of making monsters they could think of their own bloody name!

*The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy denotes Band as; coming from the word Semi-Quasi-group that gets together once-in-a-while to strike a few odd notes thinking they can now entertain the world.
For no other reason, but to send my gracious love to the frusk, i post my message. i miss you frusk fury, i really do.
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