Monday, April 11, 2005


Now, for something totally....

To whom it may concern:

The funny thing is, this may not concern any of my readers for several reasons, the first being; that I don't have any. The others being out to lunch, as Douglas Adams would put it bluntly.

Actually, let me dedicate this posting, to all Emissaries, and especially to any that are going to, want to, or might want to someday when they get around to it, emerge as Emissaries.

The major problem in Emissary society today, is territorial disputes.
Emissaries have become ferocious creatures, that protect their territory with almost the same intensity of a male hippo.
Thus, refusing to allow any new Emissaries that emerged to inhabit any nearby territory.

This has caused a huge detriment to the ecosystem in Planet SeeH.

Planet SeeH, being the source of all emerged Emissaries, has become immensly populated, almost infested, with almost every Emissary wannabe, called Yungs, from almost every Habbad colony in the Galaxy.

The Yung's all reside in the Kollel Marshes, the only area, until recently, where Yung's can survive the morphosis from Yung to Emissary.
This has resulted in an incredible erosion of local assets, included parking spots. The local residents have also credited these invading Yung's with increasing traffic on the main flight- paths.
Apparently, the only locals that have gained, are; The Shuk, (a local hub that supplies most of the sustainance for the morphosis, and even delivers), Kol Tuv, (supplying the Yung's that live more centrally in The Marshes, and/or don't have a car and can't (won't) walk so far). And the Raskin Family,(no note needed).

To date, no local resident has yet organised a problem solving commitee to solve this ticking time bomb. They have however managed to organise a committee that is working hard to create soft serve pizza. Pizza is the local diet on Planet SeeH.

There seems to The Frusk to be only one solution.... you have another?
Lishen and let me transzmit some wordsz of wiszdom. The only thing the Yung phenomena has achieved is to limit the sounds of the holy subwoofer from emanating through through the now defunct projects. As the entrepreneurial Yungs of SeeH become Balebees*, they are driving out the ethnic forces and creating a new housing phenomena: cheap, dirty Yung housing with no loud music.
I only hope this phenomena does not extend to the holy shtreets of Broadmeadows.
Guido has spoken. Word-up to teh Frusk for standing up the the SeeH masses and making his stamp on the Pizza consuming world.
At this time of anti-Yungism, let us not forget that it is the Yungs who let us wake at 2pm on a Monday and still hear Kriyas HaTorah.

*BALEBEES: Men who think earning bling bling is more important than connecting to G-d.
True that. I totally see your point.
Some become Balebees, and increase local production of assets, yes.

But, they also increase the probability of finding parking on Montgomery.

The Kriyas Hatorah thing is also valid.

I see why you have chosen to remain anonymous.

Frushk, mate.
Lishen mate, if you do not update this blog more regularly, me and my cousins will have to come smash you up.
A swift kickbox to your head will do the trick.
Hmmm...quote from first post:

"Why is it that when people talk to themselves, they are insane?"

though I must agree with that guido fella, (or should I say personality)...I come here seeking to understand life...but life is still not understood. A bit of a misnomer really.

Then again, would more posts really clarify the meaning of life the universe and everything to me?...(You may answer indeed, and the answer is 42; but I don't really think the question is what is 9 * 6 ( base 13). Seems I'm rambling. Better retire for the day).

A guten

the bachi of all bachis
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