Tuesday, April 19, 2005


What the...?

For all the people interested in the Meaning of Life;
Here are a few interesting points:

First, you must have a life.

Second, you cannot possibly have anything productive to do with your life.

And hence, thirdly, you dont have a life.

Bringing us back to the first point.

So, how do we combat this entertaining cycle?

One answer could be, possibly, to find some occupation where indeed you are not doing anything at all, but feel like you have somehow saved the world from total destruction.

Where I live, most people have such an occupation.

However this still may clash with the Third point.
This is debatable, of course, with the common rebuttal - that it depends.
See, if we look at it according to the person's view, inside-out, he certainly does have an extremely productive life.
However, this blatantly contradicts the Second point. So we are screwed.

Another answer so very well suggested, is, to spend all day, as I am, thinking up such stupid things like this and still feeling very good afterwards.

I guess that solves the problem. We can now begin to search for some meaning in Life.


Monday, April 18, 2005


An Ode....

For the Guido's and Nick's out there:

Who knowsh one?

Mate, One is my 1973 Valiant Charger! (new Monaro is for the wanker wannabe's)
It is One, there ish no other like it....purpew with black rashing strripes, mate!

Who knows two?

Mate, Lishen, right, Two is the massive perfectly sculpted, tanned and toned Pecs that G-d created me with....in the gym!
I am a Greek Adonis, mate!

Who knows Three?

Mate?...Three are the Fluffy Dice on my rearview mirrah. Two is not enuff for a Greek man!

Who knows four?

Mate, mate, mate!!! Four is simpew mate. Four is the new shiny chrome Mag Wheels that i stole from Uncle Jim's new mercedes!

Who knows five?

Mate, Five are the hundreds of horsepower that thunder through the super turbo engine that I have installed wiv myself and Nick in his faver's chop shop in Collingwood!!

Who knows six?

Lishen, stop ashking me so many questions that I feel extremly compelled to anshah, alright mate?
Mate, alright I will tell you, coz I know you skippy poof wanna know badly, mate.
Mate, Six are the dummy exhaust pipes that I have installed under the bodywork of my car, but dont tell noone, mate.
Happy mate? now you know...poof!!

Who knows seven?

Mate, Seven are the 2 front speakers, mate, 3 back speakers, mate, and the 2 sub woofers in the boot, mate.
Nuh Nuh, don't tell me Bullshit, mate! I have paid for and installed them myshelf, Mate!!

Who knows eight?

Mate who do ya fink knows?
Mate, Eight are the bulging muscles on one of my arms, mate!
Let's see, right, mate right, the Bishep and Trishep, Quadrashep, ah, I've got a extra bulge from the Shteroids, shoulder is also included mate, and the others are also from shteroids...mate called shteroidaceps..alright mate!

Who knows nine?

Mate, Nine are the times that i have dragged Nick in his Monaro on Princess Highway at 3 in the morning so the cops can't catch us, mate, if they could, mate!!

Who knows ten?

Lishen right, mate? Ten are the straight cylindar's of the 6.2 litre Chrysler engine in my purple 1973 Valiant Charger with black racing stripes and 18 inch Mercedes mag wheels and 6 exhaust pipes with 1000 whatts of sound blaring from the 7 speakers including 2 subwoofers while dragging Nick in his Monaro driving at 180 Km's per hour at 500 hundred horsepower, all controlled with total precision by my bulging biceps and shining Pecs...MATE!!

Monday, April 11, 2005


Now, for something totally....

To whom it may concern:

The funny thing is, this may not concern any of my readers for several reasons, the first being; that I don't have any. The others being out to lunch, as Douglas Adams would put it bluntly.

Actually, let me dedicate this posting, to all Emissaries, and especially to any that are going to, want to, or might want to someday when they get around to it, emerge as Emissaries.

The major problem in Emissary society today, is territorial disputes.
Emissaries have become ferocious creatures, that protect their territory with almost the same intensity of a male hippo.
Thus, refusing to allow any new Emissaries that emerged to inhabit any nearby territory.

This has caused a huge detriment to the ecosystem in Planet SeeH.

Planet SeeH, being the source of all emerged Emissaries, has become immensly populated, almost infested, with almost every Emissary wannabe, called Yungs, from almost every Habbad colony in the Galaxy.

The Yung's all reside in the Kollel Marshes, the only area, until recently, where Yung's can survive the morphosis from Yung to Emissary.
This has resulted in an incredible erosion of local assets, included parking spots. The local residents have also credited these invading Yung's with increasing traffic on the main flight- paths.
Apparently, the only locals that have gained, are; The Shuk, (a local hub that supplies most of the sustainance for the morphosis, and even delivers), Kol Tuv, (supplying the Yung's that live more centrally in The Marshes, and/or don't have a car and can't (won't) walk so far). And the Raskin Family,(no note needed).

To date, no local resident has yet organised a problem solving commitee to solve this ticking time bomb. They have however managed to organise a committee that is working hard to create soft serve pizza. Pizza is the local diet on Planet SeeH.

There seems to The Frusk to be only one solution.... or...do you have another?

...but surely

For anyone who has stumbled unexpectedly onto this web page, let me drop you a line.

This is not a usual log. I am not interested in people reading about how my wonderful day was.
Neither are they.
So I don't write from that perspective.

This web log, is dedicated to those thoughts that somehow creep into our minds and trickle in until they profoundly blow them wide open. Of course, this always happens conveniently when there are no instruments of writing or recording devices around.
Some of these thoughts have had the power to topple governments and empires, cure obscure diseases, change lives, win many awards and more importantly make a really good buttermilk pancake.
But they vanish into that void that they came from perhaps only 10 minutes ago.

This is the place where they may resurface if you stare long enough and think of a lemon. Try it.

And while you do that, I have to do 2 loads of laundry, rehearse with my new band Gebrochst and the Matzamen, bake 3 cheesecakes, not to be said in the same breathe, run around the block while they bake, for no other reason than to make them bake faster, proven fact by-the-way, blend myself an ice-coffee, just in time to take out the last laundry load.

From that you may deduce that there are no Matzamen in Gebrochst and the Matzamen


Friday, April 08, 2005



Time for some acknowledgement for The Bachi, on being the first to post his opinion. Respek.
The Settler also gets a commendation on his sudden appearance. Its been a while, Settler Machine.
And, we really appreciated the song from accross the world. That was some performance.
You never know, you might get the audience up in arms next time. Gotta supply the EmSixteens though.
Hey, I just found the name of my next band*, The EmSixteen's. That was just copyrighted. We don't want any Malaysians stealing this idea.
How dare them, there is only one Frusk.
And the bloody Japs, stupid Pokemon. Get your own monsters! You'd think that after decades of making monsters they could think of their own bloody name!

*The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy denotes Band as; coming from the word Semi-Quasi-group that gets together once-in-a-while to strike a few odd notes thinking they can now entertain the world.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


The First

After that gracious welcome, no doubt you agree to visit this site whenever possible.

Why am I doing this to myself? You ask.

Well, if every shmuck on the web can have a blog, why can't I?

For many a time, I have been waiting for the opportunity to write to myself. Why is it that when people talk to themselves, they are insane? Yet every moron who has a blog is the ultimate dude, literally.

So, what am I going to enlighten the already much enlightened world with?

The Frusk will return.

The Welcome

Here I am, some dumb guy who swore to himself never would he create a blog. However, compelled to introduce himself to the world of try hards, I have no choice but to add my 2 cents to the half dollar.
So feel free to add your views to mine.

The Frusk has struck.

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