Tuesday, May 24, 2005


While you wait....


This is very unexpected...don't get used to it.

Here is a very interesting article by Dennis Prager:


I thought you may be interested.

This seemingly goes against my principles. But I have no other place to put it.

The Frusk is thinking, very tired. Meanwhile read.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


On the Verge...

The time is ripe.

It is time to pluck the fruit of existence.

Everyone goes through a stage when they transform the, "What does life want from me?", into the, " What do I want from life?"

In simple terms, we transform our confusion into a realilty.

(We could clasify this as maturity.
But for the writers' sense of pride, we won't.
We will instead classify maturity as reaching an understanding that surpasses ones own dimensions.
And classify the above stage as reaching an introspective level in self understanding.
Maturity is an outlook, while this is an inlook.
O.K. We got that straightened out, now, let's continue. Thanks. )

We are all extremely confused at one stage in our lives.
Who are we? Where do we belong? What will become of us?

We somehow direct these questions to an unknown source.

We speculate, to whom did we ask these questions?
Is it to G-d, to our parents, to our leaders?
We go through everything. Every religion, every type of music, every comedian, etc.
The list goes on...

Then suddenly we realise that we have directed these to our innermost self.

(Some people will say that this is G-d.
But we don't need to discuss this today. )

Now that we finally realise that it is to our essence we pose all our querries, we have done most of the searching for our answer.

For we have now cut off everything from the world around us, and all we are left with is ourselves.
Then we can analyse who we are.

Who are we?

Man is not a product of his circumstance.
It's debatable, I know, but for the point I want to make we will conclude thus.

The one true thing that seperates man from all other mammals is the ability to choose his reaction.
What does this mean?

Man can talk.
So what? so can a parrot? All animals have a language, you ask ?

Ahh !! Man however, can talk to his subconscious.
This means that man can analyse his actions. He can analyse what caused his actions and he can analyse what his reaction should be.
Man can think to an extremely introspective level. Talk with his soul.

This is the power of man.

Let us analyse this further.

Every one of us is a product of our nature and nurture.
Our nature in a way defines how we get nurtured.

It is in the power of every person to influence his or hers own circumstance.
For instance one child that was abused to the worst degrees can somehow rise above his victimisation. This proves the power the child has.
Yet one child may not, and the child sinks into the mire of believing that they are a vicitm of life.
A victim of circumstance.
It is obvious that coming to a level of self influence is not accesible to all, certainly to children and only exceptional people can overcome such trauma as children.

By not allowing our conscious self to be afflicted by such tremendous pain, we rise above the world.
Even though most of us were not subjected to horrors in our childhood, we do not have to wait for any trauma do understand this power that is in our potential. We can still apply the same rule to our own lives.

With this power we can start to direct our lives, instead of our lives directing us.
When we decide to take the reigns that have been placed into our own hands, then the transformation begins.

We are no longer on the verge of despair we are now on the verge of triumph!!

It takes literally, 2 seconds.
And the triumph we can experience is infinite!
We tap into a goldmine of understanding and the potential outcome is immense.
Yet as we are only human and only our potential is infinite, it is an emotional struggle to learn from our understanding.
However, at the same time, this struggle is also what characterises us as such huge individuals. Without the struggle there would be no victory

What we become is ultimately who we are.

So who are you?
Where have you struggled today?
What have you overcome?
What have you life altering changes have you made?

You know it's funny how no one likes someone who doesn't struggle. He could be the most perfect person on the outside, nothing bad. But he will be hated, and envied. It is a pity.
However everyone truly struggles, some people hide it not to seem vulnerable.
All men will always have their tests.

And that is our purpose.

The struggle will go on!
Time to embrace it.

Good luck!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


In Contact

Is it depressing that I never look at a newspaper?

Should I be worried that I am not up to date with the latest blockbuster?

Even though I love Star Wars (from old - what's this Jar-Jar crap?), and I am a superhero freak.
Serious, I can't get enough superhero brainfeed.

The biggest torment for me, is that I can't follow the whole Star Wars plot anymore, and that I may not be able to see Batman Begins for 2 years. Until I may one day decide to rent the DVD, (if my wife lets me).
I finally saw the original Batman 2 years ago. Forget about Batman Returns.

And you know what, forget about movies or even TV. I don't even check the news online.
I just don't do it. (c) (Stands for Corny!)

What for?

Tell me how reading the news and all other rubbish in the media will help my life?

Ah! I will be able to have great conversation with educated liberal artsy fartsy minded gurus.

I am sorry, but all privately owned and funded media is a biased waste of time.
It's a joke.

I can live my life the way I want to without waking up to some fat politician while eating my bagel mit shmir!
Except the Wall Street Journal, right?

That's it. It's time for something meaningful that isn't a total waste of time.

Sean Hannity.

The most comprehensive waste of time.

No. For real.
Come on, settle down now.

What I am saying is that I believe in freeing your mind to ponder the intricacies of Life.
So you see that bagel or piece of toast in the morning, or even your bloody weetbix!! Alright.

What do you see?

How thick was the slice? How many raisins? Or even poppy seeds?
Go on count them. See the love that Mr. Glick has put into it! Starting from a mere grain of wheat. Incredible.
What you eat in 2 seconds, has taken more than one person half an hour to make!

Do you think about that?

Or do you think about Filibusters and Tax schemes?
Tony Blair and Oprah?
Iraq and Iran....however way you bloody pronounce it. I wreck , and then I ran the hell away!!

Yeh, it was also corny. so bloody what?

We are losing track here! Focus!!

The point is that there is alot more to life than a crazy runaway bride.
But that would be too much for the somehow dominant life form on this planet, called Humans.

Too much Fury in the Frusk.

And getting way too corny for my liking.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Better than the REAL thing...

What was once real is a farce.
What was considered a farce is now the real thing.

We live in a generation that has been influenced by our previous two generations, by what has now become known as the age of Surrealism.

So much so have we been influenced, that we only focus on the quick fix.

The Generation of Get Rich Quick

No wonder the Youth today have no vision. Their leaders are power hungry, unsatisfied Sons of Bitches, (to quote Jackie Mason).

How can we blame young delinquents for their own demise, when their role models are no better?
All they see in this Information Age is the need for speed. Nothing is good enough.
We want it faster and faster yet.
We want it now.

But Why?

Why have the words; honesty, hard work, patience, friendship, caring, love, and truth that are all primary virtues, been replaced with; greed, deception, power, quick fix influence, postive attitudes and image, that are obviously and incredibly false?

By focusing on the wrong elements of life, man has turned away from the most meaningful principals to the ugliest fraudulant habits possible.

And you know what?
The ones that actually succeed in their business and have a loving family are the ones that have principilised the truth.
Not the lies and nonsense.

Its time to see beyond the advertisements and billboards. This is real life not some Hollywood screenplay.

Focus on family, honour, respect and trust then success will surely come.

What was once a farce is now the real thing.

Wake up!

This is better than the real thing!

Over and out.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


What's next?

So Life Sucks.
You are a loser.

Or Life is working out for you.
Let's see, you have a steady job, a loving wife and family, a large house, a solid future. Well done.

Honestly, well done.

But are you happy?

Why on earth, would you say no?

Can someone tell me, why is it that fortunate people, who have almost all they want, (forget about need), can still be extremely unhappy?

I am waiting...

Could it be that money does not lead to happiness? Duh, that's become a given.
Even though, in some US survey, 95% of the people who said they were not content with what life had given them, contributed their misery to not having enough money.

Or could it be that even love, doesn't satisfy? Apparently.
Most of todays generation don't even give love a chance. With the current divorce rate in the US being 67% for first timers. Second timers give it up even more often at 85%.

So what will make us happy? Religion?
That has killed more people than the Bubonic Plague.
(Could play it safe, and say Ebola or even AIDS, but what the hey!)
Most people will tell you that they don't believe in a God or 2 or 3.
And yet currently, there are more than 147 major religions in the US. People are still yet to work out that religion thing.

So it seems the only happy people are single, poor agnostics.

Oh, and the Mormons.

Monday, May 09, 2005


The lonely man of Frusk....

How close it was.

I might have been fooled. If I am foolworthy.

Which I very well may be. If I was fooled.

I might have been fooled into believing that if I talk to myself long enough, I may listen.

I may listen to the waves that flow and speak.

They flow from all that we do, say and think.

And they speak the truth.

They speak the truth of what we are and where we have been.

Alas, do we hear?

Have you ever heard your own heart beat?

Not felt. Heard.

Listen and you will hear.

Then you will see.

You will see the essence of your being, the force that gives you life.

The Rythym, the Rhyme, of the Divine.

And talk is cheap.

Are you a fool?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


To Infinity and...

If you know Tsvi Victor Saks, then you know that he is a mathematician who specialises in Topology.
Tsvi lives in Pittsburgh, and I have just recently heard some interesting things from him.

Topology, is the study of abstract infinite space.


Not many people do this for a living. In fact if you will ask Tsvi if there is any practical use for what he does, like everyone asks mathematicians, he will say no, (unlike all mathematicians).

So, he has however managed to accomplish an extreme amount of extremely important things.

The most important in my mind, considering I don't really know any other, is that he has used Infinite Mathematics as a tool to connect the finite world with Infinite G-d.

In fact he says, that Infinite Mathematics is THE connection between finite and infinite in this world. I agree that it can be used as a model to view the relationship between a limit or end in infinity and its infinite predecessors. But that is obviously not where it stops.

Anyway, according to Tsvi, the only real practical application of abstract infinite space, is to understand how G-d created this physical universe.

Which is definately practical.

To me, all this is weird. Because if I define creation in mathematical terms and can now understand existance in a terminology, there is no more fun left.

No more philosophy. Especially when I can't really argue against the formulas for abstract infinite space.

Ok. that will do for now.

I am tired.


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